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The Family of Games in Production

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The first game we want to share with you is all about the melee of gardening.

Your job is to plant your vegetables and keep them planted amidst the attacks of the vegetable powers wielded by your neighbors.

Be the first to survive one full round with 3 planter bins full of vegetables.  It sounds easy; but it will take tenacity and poise to accomplish this.

And don't underestimate the prowess of your competition. I will say that I have felt bad when I knew that I was about to win.  I have subsequently felt humbled when my eight year old crushes my dreams with a few deft moves.  It takes strength to win, humility to loose, and it takes grace to win or loose well.  In my case I just got to pick up the cards after he went away to tell Mama of his exploits.

So buckle up and grab a shovel for this fun, family-friendly game.

Update: It is for sale on Etsy and in our website store.

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Inspiration will hit you when you are least expecting it.  This one hit in the morning when I was greeting the day, standing in my front door and watching the lovely colors of the morning.  I noted some birds in a yard across the street and they looked happy.  It was at this precise moment when the randomness of the world let two things crash all at the same time.  The two things were:


A Robin

And the phrase: "Birds of a feather flock together".


Once both of these thoughts were in my head at the same time, I smiled.  It seemed to me that birds are a lot like social cliques, where it is subtle differences between otherwise similar things that cause complete disassociation to happen.  As if in response to my wandering train of thought the little robin on the lawn before me seemed to morph into his own little band, even his own little band of the greenwood.  Robin Hood bobbed before me complete with match-able accessories.

Join me for a quick game of matching birds and possibly their attire.

As a side note, the first comment that I heard about this game was, "Wow! That was fun."

By popular request here is a field guide to the birds of Chirpee

Our Kickstarter campaign was successful. Games have arrived and are avalible for purchase through Etsy and our website store.

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Have you ever watched bees?

They seem so seem so capable of taking the longest path to the nearest flower, all while packing a stinger for anyone that gets in their way.

This game is super fun. We have found that the youngest that this potentially confusing game can be played at is six. Adults can also have a bit of an issue as this game tends to make you think in circles. If you are a straight line kind of person that has a hard time thinking about turning right by turning hard left then this one might be more challenging.

The Game is here and can be purchased at Etsy and our store.

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What a joy. You might think that maps are sterile, belonging to an atlas and musty libraries. This matching game is anything but common. Your objective is to be the first to empty your hand, but you do it by building a map with the aid of your competitors. Don't be fooled into thinking this map is square, it rarely ends up in a square but rather in any variety of twisted shapes. With sparkling images inspired by the Italian hillsides this game is sure to delight. 

There are three versions of this game: Emilia Romagna, Toscana, and Monte Conero. They can either be played as seperate games or combined to create a larger picture.

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These games are for sale on Etsy and in our store.


This is a collaboration project with my oldest son. I won't say he has his head in the clouds, because he doesn't, his head is orbiting the planet. Space is just fascinating, to be sure.

For many months he had an idea for a space game. When we were on a long drive, just him and I, we brainstormed this one. It is truly a collaboration where the sum of his ideas and the sum of my ideas is greater than the parts. A true 1+1=3 scenario.

This one has really become something for the entire family. It has constellations to spot and planets to claim and terraform. Fun all around.

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This one has arrived from the Publisher and is available on Etsy and in our store!

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Now if you have ever struggled with a mathematical concept, you are not alone. I, to some extent, struggled with the concept of absolute value. This game came in a whirl of inspiration, and it has resulted in my children not struggling with this absolute value concept.

Make Math fun, play a game with it.


This game is here and available on Etsy and in our store.

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